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How to Build a Product That Users Love

Building a product that users love is the ultimate goal of any product development effort. However, creating a product that truly resonates with users can be a challenging task. 

In this article, we will explore 3 key things that founders should prioritize in building a product that users will love, and the best practices to follow to achieve this goal.

  1. Simplicity: Your product should be easy to use, and not require any complex instructions. Users should be able to understand how to use your product without any confusion or frustration. Consider the popular products that are loved by millions of people worldwide, like the iPhone or Google search engine - they are simple, user-friendly and easy to navigate.

  1. Functionality: The product should be designed to solve a specific problem or meet a specific need of your customers. It should provide value to your customers and make their lives easier. For instance, if you are creating a mobile app, ensure that it offers the features your target audience are looking for.

How do you know what users want?

  • Build a prototype first, then start talking to potential customers to try them out. This is important because sometimes, users may not know what they want until they see something that works.

  • Test the product before launch: To ensure that the product is meeting the needs of your target users, it's essential to test it and validate that the prototype is working. It's possible to speculate how certain features would perform, but the only way to be certain is by testing them in real-world scenarios. Without this initial assessment, you may continue building in the wrong direction and waste time and resources.

  • Implement the changes and roll out product to mass market once you have validated the prototype

  • Test the product after launch: To improve key features of your product, you need to conduct user interviews after product launch and ask specific questions - the features they liked, how easy it was for them to use, whether they were able to use all the features etc. Note key features that users may have missed and make them easier to find and use. Keep in mind that you don’t have to implement all feedback, but having this information will guide future product development efforts. 

  1. Convenience: Your product should be easily accessible and available when your customers need it. It should be compatible with multiple platforms and devices, and users should be able to access it from wherever they are. 

If your product is hard to navigate, customers will quickly lose interest, and you will lose out on potential revenue.

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